"It is through the body that you realize you are a spark of divinity" - B.K.S Iyengar
Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash

Flow with Yoga Blog

Types of Yoga

Yoga Class
Yoga has evolved over the years and developed into different styles from the traditional Hatha Yoga. There are so many variations of yoga out there that even if you do a class and find it is not for you do not despair, there are other styles you can try. Some people attend a Power Yoga class at their nearest gym and ...
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My First Yoga Mat

Light blue reebok yoga mat
So, I have been thinking of getting myself a new yoga mat. Looking back to when I got my first mat, I didn’t put much thought into it probably because the selection of yoga mats back then was so limited. Today manufacturers have come out with so many different types that it is overwhelming to choose which one to buy....
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Practicing Saucha During the Festive Season

Broth soup with dumplings
It’s that time of the year again when December embarks upon us and we start the festive season preparations. I love Christmas, when you get to spend an entire three days with family and friends just chatting and eating. Christmas is a big deal in my family. We start celebrations with a Christmas eve dinner. Traditio...
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Orange Julius Smoothie

Orange Fruit
During the course of the year we work hard, life gets busy and we get sick, either getting the flu or cold. It is so important to ensure we keep our immune systems strong and nourish our bodies. Keeping a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep. Some of us may have a tendency to grab a cup ...
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Finding Peace with Yoga

Man sitting in grass field
This is a beautiful quote that truly makes one stop and ponder. Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. unknown author Most of us want peace in our lives. We want to get away from the chao...
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Quick 15-minute Balasana Breathing Session

Balasana - Child's Pose
It happens to all of us. If you’ve planned to go to a yoga class but after a long days’ work decided you too tired and would much rather head home, I suggest you still do something. Often, after a long day it’s easy to skip what we know we should do and just crash on the couch. As much as we may not want to,...
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What is Yoga?

Those of us that practice yoga, whether occasionally or regularly, do it for our own individual reasons. Some may incorporate it into their exercise regime for the physical benefits. Some do it to look inward and benefit from the emotional cleanse it offers. Others for spiritual reasons, to connect with their soul and ...
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